Atatürk Corner 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷

The Founder of our Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, was born in Thessaloniki in 1881. He received his military education firstly at the Thessaloniki Military Preparatory School.

Throughout his life, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk participated in many wars and achieved great successes. After completing his military education, he played important roles in the late Ottoman period, and then led the Turkish War of Independence, establishing the Republic of Turkey thereafter.

Atatürk, from the establishment of the new state onwards, implemented various reforms to restructure the country as a modern nation-state. These reforms include increasing literacy rates through educational reforms, restructuring the Turkish language and transitioning to the Latin alphabet, and modernizing the legal system. Additionally, various rights were granted to women to enable them to take a more active role in social and political life.

By embracing the principle of secularism, Atatürk ensured the independence of the state from religious institutions and secured the separation of religion and state affairs. As a result, he paved the way for Turkey to progress as a modern republic.

In 1937, Atatürk was diagnosed with tuberculosis. In early 1938, while in Yalova, he became seriously ill. The treatment there yielded positive results. However, an exhausting journey to Ankara before his full recovery exacerbated his illness. Sadly, on November 10, 1938, at 9:05 a.m., he passed away due to his illness.

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